Protect Your Freedom to Operate

We're on a mission to build cost-sharing opportunities for U.S. pork producers.

The Pork Cares Farm Impact Report is a unique program to support pork producers like you. It helps foster valuable supply chain partnerships and elevate pork’s reputation as both nutritious and planet-friendly.

Participating in the Pork Cares Farm Impact Report program is a proactive opportunity for producers to show business partners the hard work you've put into your operation and your readiness to do more with the right resources.

This initiative helps protect your freedom to operate by using your data to tell your sustainability story.

Request a Report

Complete the form to start your Pork Cares Farm Impact Report.

By checking the box, you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to Terms and Conditions of the We Care® Program Initiatives and are a duly authorized representative of your organization.

Benefits of the Pork Cares Farm Impact Report

Proof of Action

Identify Efficiencies and Opportunities

Get a snapshot of your on-farm practices in a concise, clear report.

Operational Longevity

Strengthen Your Business & Reputation

Your custom, professional report will enhance your operation’s image with packer and partners for future success.

Return on Impact

Increase ROI

Professional technicians will provide analysis of your data and work with you to identify practices that will help reduce operating costs and drive ROI.



Demonstrate our industry’s sustainability commitment with verified metrics and prove how we take care of people, pigs and the planet.

How it Works

Two farmers looking at a tablet
  1. Request Report

    Take 30 seconds to fill out the form above with all the requested information.

  2. Receive Introductory Email

    A National Pork Board staff member will email you within 5 business days to schedule a 15-minute intro call with our trusted partner, Sustainable Environmental Consultants (SEC).

  3. Submit Data Securely

    Your assigned SEC technician will assist you in collecting the on-farm data needed to begin the report. Submit your on-farm data via a confidential, secure platform.

  4. Get Final Report

    Once all data is received, expect your report in around 30-60 days. The SEC team will thoroughly present your final report to you, giving you a complete understanding of your metrics.

  5. Share Your Impact

    The report is now yours to tell your on-farm sustainability story. Share your report with financial institutions, packers, community members and more.

Request your Pork Cares Farm Impact Report